Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Oh to Be a Child Again!

Life is full of wonder--and joy. No matter the news that shakes and concerns us, seen in larger perspective life is good.

Our latest grandson, Carson Gustaf, looks out on me as if from realms on high. I wonder as I gaze on him what he is wondering. Can you tell?

He is a good baby, I am told. Incredibly good. He just is. That's all. Present. Content. At peace. Himself.

How refreshing and delightful, given all the convolutions of life swirling around him and us. Does he know something we don't know?
Has he come to remind us, perhaps, of things we have either forgotten or tend not to notice?

His gaze is pure and he seems almost ready to speak. No words yet. Just coos--ohs and ahs, the natural language of little ones newly born.

May the Lord bless you this morning, Carson Gustaf, as you are blessing me. May he also make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. And may he lift up the light of his countenence upon you always, and give you peace.