Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In Praise of Providence

In the waning days of Epiphany, the season of light, we do well to hear the story of a wonderful Christian woman whose life-long journey toward and in that light has not been easy.

Aware as we all are that life has a dark side, few of us have likely experienced it as personally as Sarmita Peterson and her family. As a child she and her mother and brother had to flee for their lives from Nazi and Communist oppression in their native Latvia. For years following they moved from one Displaced Person's Camp to another, having next to nothing and uncertain of their future. Yet for all that and more they have clearly been led and sustained by a light that no darkness has the power to overcome.

"In thy light,' Scripture says of God, 'we see light.' So also, no matter how sombre life may seem at times, do we see that light evidenced in his people. Listen to the patterns of God's providential care in Sarmita Peterson's early and ongoing experience, and let your own faith in that providence be both awakened and renewed.

Sarmita Peterson's Story from rooted wings on Vimeo.