Nearly seventeen years into retirement, I am enjoying the opportunity to share thoughts and life experiences on a regular basis. This blog is part of a larger personal website at Your comments, thoughts, and life experience responses are not only invited but welcome!
Are we forgetting the things that remain? One often wonders in looking around.
A child, leaving church was in a quand’ry, not concerning faith but concerning sports.
‘It is a bummer,’ he said ruefully, ‘The Vikings are on during my game time.’
Innocent enough, as boys tend to be. Yet it made me sad and broken in heart.
Where is life, really? What are we teaching our children to think subliminally?
O Lord God of Hosts, come down within us, lest yearning for life we fail to find it.
Renew our passion to gather ‘round you, lest we all forget where true glory waits.
JRH 1/31/10
Outside and In
Outside in the night a lamp shines on a single pole in an empty lot behind our home.
Humanly speaking its lone beam is hardly enough to explain the warmth I feel on waking.
Yet borne by Spirit and filter’d by prisms of color created elsewhere it fuels my soul.
Who should be so blest as to know and feel what I do time and time again when light breaks through.
Inside it is morn, time to wake and offer God praise with kindred spirits who understand.
Night never prevails. Sing it now! Rise, shine, be thankful, for your redemption is drawing near.
JRH 8/11/98
You stand there, in space and time, not unlike seedlings budding, planted by streams of water. Living out of your own roots you too carry the Word.
No random selves, you were each born to fulfill some promise, no matter how soon or late. In clearly diff’rent stages You still bear similar marks.
Trunk and bark and leaves diff’ring do not mask the common grain that grows new rings ev’ry year. Who knows in time how God works to bind such layer’d wonders?
Ever taller and deeper, in whatever loam God plants, one sees a whole new promise. Be not each your own, alone, But care for others and earth.
You must sow the seed you are and see your lives in common, lest fear or pride deceive you. You were born for godly things, to stand tall and grow and bless.
JRH 12/7/03
Pass It On!
Our inheritance flows like a fresh, clean stream from the heart of God.
Who knows where it begins or finally ends in oceans of time?
Whatever we may say is inadequate to trace it clearly,
except that God once gave and still is giving out of love for us.
We are never worthy to receive or share the fruits of such grace!
No wonder we long now to offer God thanks, "Thanks for ev'rything!"
And, after the off'ring, to reach, teach, and love those yet without hope.