Every Sunday morning, while house-bound in old age, my parents would sing a Sabbath song from memory--in Swedish--a song well known and loved by our Covenant forebears:
Sabbath Day of rest and cheer,
Day divine to me so dear,
Come, O come to old and young,
Gath'ring all for prayer and song.
How pleased they both would have been to hear what Alyce and I first heard this week, a very moving sermon just preached by young Catherine Buckley at Rice Creek Covenant Church in Lino Lakes, MN. Grown up in that congregation and now a middler at North Park Theological Seminary. it nearly took our breath away to hear with such freshness and passion God's call to rest in him.
Take time now or make time later to listen to God's Word through Catherine. You don't have time not to. And as you listen look on the Catherine we have come to know and love, gifted and giving in so many ways. Pray for her, seeking her own Sabbath, and give thanks to God for his gracious invitation to rest in him again yourself with all his saints.