Sunday, June 13, 2010

Are You an Oak of Righteousness?

My son, Peter, the pastor at Winnetka, Illinois, Covenant Church, wrote a pastoral tribute recently in that church's newsletter to four saints who, though recently expired, have left an indelible legacy in the minds and hearts of all who knew them.

"Together they fell like tall trees
Deep their roots and far their reach,
These mighty oaks among us ....

"How we miss them, among us no more,
Or are they? Could it be that
the acorns of their long lives and deep faith

"are coming to life in us? Is there not yet
more of God's glory still to shine?
Maybe now we are God's planting,

"Spiritual offspring of those who have
shaded our lives with grace and love,
and they brought to life from the faith of others before!"

The tribute glorifies God, the giver for the likes of Doris, Dulcye, Darline, and Wayne. And with it, as God used them, Peter issues a memorable challenge to his people appropriate for us all:

"Time to grow deep, so that we can grow tall,
and shade life coming after
with God's glory."

Lord, waken us all to that challenge, that in our living now and passing soon we may cause those behind us to both glorify God and keep amending their ways. Amen.