Matthew Robert Manning (19 in October) graduated from the Twin City's Southwest High School in May, after which he volunteered more that six weeks this summer as an athletic director at an orphanage in the bush country of Ghana. We are very proud as his extended family not only of him but of his parents, Mary and Bob, and his sisters Jessica (16) and Charlotte (14) as well.
This 22-minute exclusive RootedWings interview explores in brief Matthew's childhood roots in Sweden, his grade and high school education in South Minneapolis, his reflections on the Ghana experience, and his life goals soon to be pursued as he moves on to college this fall at De Paul University in Chicago.
Very mature for his age, as are both his sisters, Matthew has a servant heart--which he attributes to his strong faith in God's love and providence. As he pursues what he terms "my call," pray with us as a family for God's continued guidance and blessing. And as you pray, be encouraged by the witness of this young man on a mission, not focused on himself first but on serving those he knows from experience now to be "far less fortunate" all over the world .