What is required of one who would proclaim the Word of God, and thus be a spokesperson for him? And what is necessary for all those who listen to that proclamation? For nearly sixty years Glen's primary thrust in minsitry has been to wrestle with those questions, hoping to be a window through which people might encounter God and come alive in him.
In proclaiming the Word, administering the sacraments, and pursuing creatively the art both of of worship planning and leading, Glen has proved himself through strenuous disciplines of mind and heart to be a living reminder of what Housing the Sacred requires. The book itself is available through Covenant Bookstore. An exclusive thirty-minute RootedWings interview of its esteemed author and my dear friend, follows. Listen to and ponder what is offered here of both wisdom and challenge. And then, whether as preacher or listener, take seriously and personally the author's last bit of encouraging advice, a sign of his trust in you and the Spirit: "Proceed!"