Yesterday was incredible at our church! Three services of worship, music by the bells, a fine sermon by Kay Sorvik, two full-length concerts featuring our children's choirs at extended Sunday School hours, and a mission banquet in the evening in support of bush church parsonages in Alaska. Plus, though I could not attend, another authoritative look at women hymnologists of the church by Dr. Gracia Grindal of Luther Seminary.
But the children especially blessed all who saw their one-hour, twice repeated "Good News" celebration of hymns of many types from many ages, tied creatively together with brief narratives on composers and authors. The script was authored by Joy Singers Directors Dawn Savat and Marilyn Jensen, who also conducted along with Praise Singers Director Carrie Ann Krause, accompanied by Nichelle Kaul and Alyce Hawkinson. It was all choreographed by Elizabeth Truong, and the children were center stage, whether as soloists, smaller group participants, a dance enseble, or as an entire choir. Those who attended were clearly moved by their musical discipline and joy in participating.. One Assemblies of God pastor, come from a distance to honor his granddaughter, was especially blessed by the intergenerational nature of the event.I have no greater longing in my own heart for the children of Salem--and indeed, children in every church--than that they come into God's house feeling at home, eager to learn and experience what faith and the church are all about. So much awaits them there, more than any of us has yet observed in a lifetime. We must help them come to Jesus and, like him, be about their true Father's business as we teach them things both old and new from his Word.. We must also let them move us to be more childlike in our faith and commitment.
Praise with me in this moment all in your church who devote themselves so faithfully and unselfishly to ministry with children. God knows that what is sown in them for him will not return void. So many influences in our time and culture degrade their natural beauty as children of God, tempting them to chase after images less than wholesome, not to mention in their best interests. Be grateful for those with godly spirits and loving hearts who point to and embody God's will for your children. And learn in your gratitude from the children themselves to open your own heart again to God's Spirit and will.