While meeting with Don Meyer, executive minister of Covenant Communications, over lunch at Midwinter Conference this year, he showed me a wonderful new video tool he is using in his interviews of various people to share their stories. Called "flip VIDEO mino HD," the camera is only 2" X 4" in size, yet it is capable of producing a 60-minute video in High Definition, so that it can be shown on everything from small mp3 players to the latest large screen televisions. It comes also with a popup USB port connector for one's computer, and built-in software for minor editing, emailing, burning finished videos to DVD disks, and even producing greeting cards.
Anxious for a long time to begin interviewing memorable Christians, hopefully to capture some of their charm, faith experience, life story, and humor as well, I began just today--after some earlier experimentation with a neighbor--by interviewing my son-in-law, Bob Stromberg, well known by many of you, following lunch with him and our daughter Judy. Given his gifts for entering in to such an exercise on the spur of the moment, I could hardly have a better subject to be my first subject.
You'll note half way through this 10 minute take that some back lighting goes on, an obvious sign of my inexperience. What really excites me, however, are the possibilities inherent in using this technology, at minimal cost, to produce even as an amateur stories with lasting benefit in our common life as believers. Perhaps seeing and hearing Bob in this setting will help you understand what a pilgrimage he has been on and still is on as he seeks to make use of his gifts both to entertain and to bless. My thanks to him for allowing me to feature him in this way! You can read more about him at his website: www.bobstromberg.com