"Borta bra men hemma bäst" the Swedes say. It means “Travel is good, but home is best.” To that I say, once again, Amen!
After five weeks away, alone and with family, time has led us back, and we are ready to be home, where our roots now are and our neighbors and our church and our calling. The point of time away for us has never been to uproot ourselves, for in a sense we have been at home with each other wherever life has taken us. Perhaps better put we can say that our time away this year has re-rooted us, both reaffirming what and where we are called to be and energizing our return to all that.
As years pass, one’s perspective changes. We learn our limits even though the sense of need all around in people and their circumstance is heightened. What can be done to meet the challenge? Thankfully, years have taught us that God is already at work in ways far exceeding our understanding, so that our role is simply to enter in once again to all he is already doing around us. He knows our limits better than we. Yet by his Spirit and in his power, he deigns still to use us, if we are willing, to accomplish far more that we might ask or even think. So just as “Time Away” slowed us down a bit to bring us closer to him, our family, and each other, so coming home opens new doors of opportunity to enter, with him, into life as it is where we live.
Peace and joy now fill our hearts, even in the midst of life’s trials and troubles. The Lord is good. And so are his people, to whom we belong and who we return to serve in our small way. God’s future awaits us, and we are anxious to enter into that future, wherever it now leads.